Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Looks like shit...tastes awesome | Tunisian Vegetable Ragout

Looks God Awful Right! It was so good, a snap to pull together and it made a shit-ton of food. Another winner from the Fat Free Vegan Kitchen. She served hers over quinoa, but I didn't have any, so I just ate it with whole wheat couscous on the side. With the quinoa it's 5 points without it's 3. We paired this with a creamy chardonnay, which went well with the cumin, turmeric and allspice in the dish. Like I said, it made a lot and we ate it for what seemed like days, but I never got tired of it.

She's all rights reserved on this recipe, so here's a link that will bring you to the goodness.

My husband CB is a beer drinker in addition to loving wine. He likes to buy the Sam Adams variety pack, unfortunately for him, said variety pack also includes two bottles of Cranberry Lambic which he says..."tastes like ass." So, we end up with bottles of Cranberry Lambic sitting in the basement. The other day I grabbed one of the bottles and challenged it to a duel, I would make use of it and Chris would love what I could turn the ass beer into. I scoured the internet and found multiple beer bread recipes, narrowed down a few and decided on Cranberry Lambic Banana Bread, and I even made it vegan. I don't have a picture of it, cuz we ate it, fast, but I do have a picture of my new handy dandy chalkboard backsplash that I now use to write recipes on when I'm cooking and baking, thanks to my uber talented architect husband.

So, I haven't been to the "exotic" area of my local market. Anyone want to take a stab at a few exotic fruits and vegetables that I might want to try and cook or bake with?

Rating = Damn Good


  1. Your chalkboard is FANTASTIC! It looks amazing as a backsplash with your countertop. As for the exotic fruit/veg....I have always been intrigued by those bitter melons. What do you think?

  2. stoned fox11:02 AM

    I second Lesley... looks great.

  3. The kitchen (not the food) looks beautiful! Steve would like to point out that your lack of receptacles is not up to code. This is what he says when I say "Look how gorgeous that looks! What a good idea!" meanwhile the light I'm waiting for over my crappy cooktop sits collecting dust. Harumph.

  4. Brenna - what is he talking about "receptacles?"

  5. J, outlets. I guess there's supposed to be one every 4 feet across a counter top.

  6. Could you check the LINK. When I click, I just get a bigger picture of the food. I want this recipe, we're tired of what we know how to cook, we want something new.

  7. AM - Sorry about that, all fixed now. Let me know if you make it and like it.
