"Of all smells, bread; of all tastes, salt."George Herbert, English poet (1593-1633)
Have I mentioned that I have no kitchen? Oh, I have; well let me digress some more, it sucks, it really really sucks. It sucks almost as much as living in a vacuum. It sucks worse than being on a packed subway car with a Mr. Nonchelance tossing air biscuits in your general direction the whole way home. It sucks more than other people's children. It sucks more than being ripped from slumber in the mid morning hours by your cat puking up whatever plant he semi digested on the porch earlier that day. It sucks more than a wet spot.
So, I have no kitchen, therefore I have no recipes to post; however, I do have this pic of the wonderful loaf of bread I bought at the farmers market today on my lunch hour. It's a spinach, garlic, olive oil ciabatta loaf topped with sea salt. If anyone knows how to bake this bread from scratch, please, PLEASE, comment and let me know. This bread is the kind you just rip off in large hunks and cram into your mouth. It needs no butter, olive oil or dipping assortments. It's perfect just the way it is, it's an orgasm for your taste buds. Yes, an orgasm for your taste buds. Must eat more bread.