I'm not facing any big decisions in my life right now that I think need to be answered, but I was curious about this woman, and what she would see in me. So yesterday my mother and I took the trip to go an see her. I didn't know what to expect, so when she asked me why I was there and what questions I wanted answered I didn't have one. She then asked me what the most important thing in my life was, and my instantaneous response is my marriage, that's the most important thing to me. She then said, ok, we'll start with your marriage, "do you have any questions about it," and the only thing I could think of was that I just wanted to check to see that the marriage my husband and I have in the future is as happy and amazing as the marriage we have today. So we started from there, she laid out the cards, and began to read, telling me that my marriage is solid, that there is so much love and respect there, a love and respect that can't and won't be changed, she mentioned that we will never be deceptive or lie to one another. She then began to say things about my marriage that she just couldn't have known, like we own a house in the country in another state (VT) and that we like to take weekend trips to this house just so we can be alone and together, she mentioned that we just celebrated our third anniversary, and that we went on a trip and the thing that grabbed me was she said, you bought a house together before you got married. What? How would this woman know this?
She mentioned that CB and I are planning another trip, but this time it's going to be on the water; in fact, CB and I just started planning a cruise to Alaska, I just picked up the cruise booklet on Friday. What?
I was there an hour, and for an hour she talked about things that she just shouldn't have known, I've never met this woman before, and she's never seen me, and it was very cool and weird at the same time. There was nothing bad, no precautions, no dire warnings, when I left she said, "you and your husband, it's like you're the same person, he's your soul mate." Which I thought was pretty cool.
Have any of you ever been to a psychic? I'd love to hear your stories.
Oh - and CB he loves him some cookies. I used a recipe that I found on another blogger's website called Sarah's Kitchen and modified it a bit.
1 1/4 cup All-purpose flour
1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1/3 cup Sugar
1/8 c chopped fresh mint leaves
3/4 tsp Baking powder
1 tbsp Water
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1 Egg
1 Egg white
Vegetable cooking spray
Combine first 4 ingredients in a large bowl. Combine water and next 3 ingredients; add to flour mixture, stirring until well-blended (dough will be dry.) Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface, and knead lightly 7 or 8 times. Shape dough into a 16 inch long roll. Place roll on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray, and flatten roll to 1 inch thickness.
Bake at 350F for 25 minutes. Remove roll from baking sheet to wire rack, and let cool 10 minutes. Cut roll diagonally into 24 (1/2 inch) slices, and place, cut sides down, on baking sheet. Reduce oven temp. to 325F, and bake 10 more minutes. Turn cookies over and bake an additional 10 minutes (cookies will be slightly soft in center but will harden as they cool.) Remove from baking sheet; let cool completely on wire rack.
Rating = So Damn Good
I have been to a psychic and it was really frightening how much she knew - it was right before I went on a long trip and she told me a lot about the trip and she was exactly right about it (and I had never told her I was going on a trip)
And OMG do these look good I am going to have to try this recipe
I've never been to a psychic, but I have taken a cruise to Alaska. LOVED it.
Joy, if you make these, you have to bring me some. :)
What a fun post, JB - can't believe I almost missed it!
I saw a gypsy woman a long time ago, she said many things about my life - my mom being dead, me being raised almost by myself, my sob stepmother, my little sister, and so on - things there was no way she could know about. Then she told me many things about my future and none of them have happened so far. That was 10 years ago. :)
Your biscotti look so good, sweetie!
Note from a skeptic: if you had to make an appointment with this woman in advance, she would have spent the intervening time before your appointment researching you. That was true before the internet made it easy, it's probably even more true now. Certainly information about your home ownership is publicly available. Also, people who make a living at this sort of thing get very good at reading body language and subtle cues - they open with vague language, look for your responses, and amend their comments accordingly. People who are trained in these techniques can make incredibly accurate-seeming readings. Some may even believe that what they're doing has to do with psychic abilities, because they are unaware of the ways they are responding to cues. But people who make no claims at being psychic can produce the same results. Just worth considering.
Ive been to a psychic in guam and yes everything came true..i so believe in it....
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